Force 2 Movie English Subtitles _VERIFIED_ Download

Force 2 Movie English Subtitles _VERIFIED_ Download


Force 2 Movie English Subtitles Download

capcom did a very good job with localization, but they still made some mistakes that need to be corrected to make it perfect. the biggest problem was that they misspelled lufus’ name as “lucy”, but you can still use the other spelling in games. if you search for it, you will find an edit. the game also refers to the movie as “gall force 2: destruction”, but that is how you reference a movie in the us and should be changed to the name of the movie in japan. other smaller issues include:

the japanese version has a different set of special attacks with a gun that the us version does not have. there are some minor spelling and grammatical differences, that after 2 years of localization, should be taken care of. the japanese version of the subtitles has the english names with their japanese names for the special attacks. there are no english names at all for them. the japanese version has japanese names that look like english words for the special attacks.

the japanese version of the subtitles has the english names as a sort of joke. see how the names are spelled up on the characters? same with the japanese version, the english names are a different color. the japanese version also has it’s own non-english subtitles displayed during cutscenes.

i figured all these problems out after finding some glitch which made it so it was possible to fix them. the fact that the names of the characters were misspelled or had japanese styled words was not a problem in my eyes. as someone who loves watching subtitled movies, i could not enjoy the subbed version of the game. but hey, what’s the use of localization if you still can’t enjoy the game?

as for audio, you get an isolated dolby digital 5.1 track which sports a nice mix of the mandatory english lfe and plenty of powerful subwoofer action. channels 1, 2, and 6 are the back speakers, 5 and 7 are for the front, and channel 3 is the center channel. dialogue is crisp and clean and never a problem to hear. some of the dubbed in dialogue moments have that ‘canned’ sound to it, but otherwise there aren’t any issues there. all of the elements, the dialogue, sound effects, and the score by frederic talgorn have plenty of space and rarely overlap or drown out each other. imaging is also a lot stronger here providing a noticeable amount of channel movement. the track keeps to the midranges without any tonal spikes to speak of ensuring that levels stay relatively balanced. there are a couple of moments in the beginning where it could be a little difficult to hear what was being said, but after that i didn’t feel the need to adjust my volume levels – even during the big final action scenes. all around this audio track serves the movie well and sounds a whole heck of a lot better than the one that was supplied for ‘the delta force.’ on disc you get an isolated dts-hd master track which, like the blu-ray release, has been freed of dolby digital noise reduction and dts-hd surround decoding. dialogue and effects are crisp and clear while bass is pretty strong, but there is a bit of compression noticeable if the volume is not cranked all the way up. here you have two options to pick from, i.e., forced 2 movie or delta force 2. these two movies are based on the same tv series but i will choose one of them to give you a better experience. in other words, you can pick whichever movie you like without any criticism or the ones that comes from the same tv series. 5ec8ef588b


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