Buku Babad Tanah Jawa Pdfl

Buku Babad Tanah Jawa Pdfl


Buku Babad Tanah Jawa Pdfl

on the major surakarta babad f.611ii, 4 the dead king is reburied in a tomb under the taman bali, at this site the ratu is worried that she will be accused of having killed the king. the day of his burial was observed as a public holiday with prayers, the death, funeral and burial of the sovereign is then bound together in this account of the events surrounding his death. in the pararaton f.1163, 5 the death of the king is dated 6 wau. the word wau can either mean ‘day’or ‘calendar’. it is used most frequently in the compilations of hindu ramayana and ramayana mahatmya as a synonym for ‘calendar’, but it can also mean an ordinary calendar day. but we have wau here, because one of the occurrences of this word in the pararatonis in a prayer that offers consolation to the ratu after the king’s death, the prayer describes how the day of the king’s death was marked by ceremonies lasting until mid-day. in this case, the wau is clearly the ordinary calendar day, but wau is also used as the word for ‘wound’, not as a word for ‘calendar day’. the word wau occurs twice in the pararaton f.192vi, 2 ; the first time describes the procession of women at the king’s burial. the word wau is used twice in the pararaton f.198vi, 3 to describe the body of the deceased king, once while it is being lifted to the royal graves, and once while it is being moved to the royal crypt. in both cases, it is used in the plural, which also shows that it is not used to designate a wukuweek, but rather a set of events occurring on a single day. the pararaton f.196vii, 4 also mentions the uprising during the funeral of the king, so it could be that the funeral rituals on f.192vi and 198vi are somewhat of a repetition of the events of f.196vii, 5 .


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