Peter Grey Psychology 5th Edition Pdf Free 16 __FULL__

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Peter Grey Psychology 5th Edition Pdf Free 16

157. the first step in the catechesis of the word is learning to proclaim it with the whole of one’s being. the preacher must learn to let the kerygma speak to him, to be with him, to be what he has to say. the kerygma must make us aware of our own weakness, that we are sinners, and that we need god and the help of the holy spirit to overcome our sin. but this is not yet to proclaim it to others. all that is done here is a preliminary step, a way of preparing the heart to the task of proclamation. the word must be received by us and proclaimed in love with the same spontaneity as with which it was made known. that is why we must not be always thinking about what we are going to say, but first of all listen to what the lord wants to say to us. after hearing his word, we must express it as freely as the holy spirit wills. we must not read the words one by one and respond to them according to our personal opinion. we must have the courage and openness to put them into practice in our daily lives. but there are some words which we should be prepared to proclaim wholeheartedly. the kerygma must not leave us at the end of catechesis, it must remain in us as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. in the gospel of john, jesus says that the father gave him the power to bind and to loose, to heal, and to raise the dead. he also said that it is not me, but my father who lives in me (john 14:10). the preacher, who proclaims the word of god, is the one who makes the word of god live in others. he alone is to be able to heal and to save, because only he has the power to do so. the rest will see the effectiveness of his proclamation, not because they are incapable of understanding, but because they have not been invited to be with jesus. jesus said that the father who sent me will be with me and will not leave me (john 14:23). it is he who accompanies us, with all the power of the spirit, at every step of the journey of our lives. no one, however, can live the kerygma without jesus. he is the one who saves us, the one who gives us grace, the one who feeds us, the one who protects us, the one who sanctifies us. he is the one who gives us all the gifts which make up a christian life, and the one who calls us to give ourselves to him.

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